What is social network analysis?
Before we explain that, we need to explain networks.

Networks are patterns of relationships that connect (or disconnect) individuals, institutions or objects. Network analysis places a strong emphasis on those relationships. It provides the means to understand where collaboration among these relationships is (or is not) occurring.


It is an invaluable tool for systematically assessing and then intervening at critical points within an informal network.

When we visually assess the patterns of relationships within a group, we reveal interesting and actionable points. SNA provides a practical, measurable approach to solving problems and providing solutions within an organization. It can find answers to critical questions like who has access to the most timely information, what is the level of collaboration between groups and what roles do strong and weak ties play in an organization?

Transformation towards efficient management systems means working through complex webs of social relations. This includes identifying actors, clarifying their roles, determining how they will be engaged and ensuring that they have adequate capacity to participate effectively.


Unlock the mystery behind social network analysis

Contact LRC today to see how SNA can benefit you, your team or your organization.


Powerful insights from one of the industry’s most influential speakers

Invite Nelson Jatel to speak at your upcoming meeting, workshop, conference or retreat.


Governance scholar and network analysis professional

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Invite Nelson Jatel to speak to your organization’s leaders

The mind of a scholar. The heart of a community builder. A true team leader. Through his presentations, Nelson describes and analyzes complex systems, methods and applications. He shows the real value behind SNA and how it can turn an organization, a team – even a life – around.
